It has been a been a service-centered summer here at CZ, filled with firmwide volunteer days and individual staff volunteer hours! Our 15 Years Hands-On, 1500 Hours Hands-On campaign has kicked into high gear over the past few months with individual and group service hours continuing to make an impact on the community!
Firmwide Service Days
Here at Cleary Zimmermann Engineers, we apply the same philosophy to service as we do to MEP and engineering: many hands made light work. Our team members all pitched in together for our latest service days in San Antonio and Houston on Friday July 16th!
For the second service day in the San Antonio office, nearly 30 team members volunteered together with the Texas Diaper Bank. We divided and conquered pallets of diapers, with assembly-line efficiency of folks counting, repackaging, sealing and stacking donated diapers into uniform packs for distribution. With a little friendly competition between each of the packing tables, altogether our group packed over 20,000 diapers. See us in action here!

At the same time, members of our team in Houston spent the morning boxing and distributing food for the Fairhaven Food Pantry, in partnership with the Houston Food Bank, and distributed over 100 boxes of food to clients.

Staff Service Highlights
In addition to the group service days, each employee is also given 15 hours to spend serving a cause of their choice. Check out some of the ways CZers have been making an impact individually!

- Ashley Yosko, Angela Garcia, and Joyce Watson of the Marketing team assembled over 100 snack packs for the homeless! Thank you to Students of Service (SOS) for coordinating and distributing these snack packs around our community!
- Louis Martinez, CAD/BIM Technician, is serving as an assistant football coach for his alma mater Lutheran High School of San Antonio.
- Randy Barnhill volunteered with Daily Bread Ministries assisting with a wide assortment of tasks: sorting diapers, dividing up 175 pounds of dry black beans into 2 pound bags, and packaging a few hundred bottles of hand sanitizer in individual bags for distribution in back-to-school packages.
- Tom Pulliam, Mechanical Designer, performed some demolition and installed two return air devices at his church community center
- Wade Cleary, Managing Principal, hand crafted a conference table for the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo in the style of those he had previously built for CZ’s three office locations.
- Not to be left out, our HUB partner Moose Engineers is getting in on the #15YearsHandsOn #1500HoursHandsOn fun! Earlier this month Managing Principal Mike Hayes volunteered with the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) at Operation Float a Soldier (OFAS), a non-profit that gets wounded warriors out on the water to ski, surf, tube, jet ski, and fish.

What’s Next?
As we move into the fall, we’re in the midst of planning our next firmwide service day, where we hope to expand our impact by extending the invitation to some of our AEC friends to join us. Have an organization in mind where we could be of service? Drop your suggestion here.